Why it’s important to love what you do

If you’re a business owner, it’s likely you’ve had to make compromises in other areas of your life to get your dream company off the ground. In many ways, (and as embarrassing as it may be to say) your business has become your special someone! This Valentine’s season, we’re asking the question: do you truly love what you do? And if so, we’ve got some ideas to make sure you’re showing your business enough love.


How many people love their work?

What’s more important to you: the passion that you have for your business, or the amount that you earn?

According to a survey by YouGov, two thirds of the public value passion over pay, saying that they’d rather have a poorly paid job that they loved rather than a well-paid job they hated. Similar results were found in a survey by CV Library, stating that 83.6% of workers believe that enjoying their jobs is a better measure of career success than having a high salary.

Participants in the survey also rated the reasons they felt successful. The top response was enjoying their work, then being proud of what they’d achieved, and thirdly, making a difference to people’s lives.


Why is it important to love your business?

We all have a purpose, and many businesses are built from just that. For example, my passion for coding and web design fuelled my determination to get Eonic up and running. Figuring out your talent and your motivator is part of loving work and creating the greatest service you can for your clients. According to Carmen Harra, an author and clinical psychologist, living with purpose is the first, and possibly most important, key to living a long and healthy life. With that logic, if your purpose is your business, you’ll no longer work a day in your life! Of course, running your own company does take work and commitment, but if you really care about the work you’re delivering, it will be much more fulfilling than a job you have no passion for.


Showing your business some digital TLC

So, you’ve determined your passion, and committed to channelling your purpose into your business. Now, how do you put it into practice?

  • A website refresh: If your website could do with a fresh look, consider a redesign – there may be elements you can refine to make a smoother customer journey.
  • Update your mission statement: Your website was likely created at the starting line of your company’s journey. As time goes on and clients build up, your mission statement may have changed too. Think about how your mission may have changed, and what you’re aiming to achieve from now.
  • Show your customers some love: Investing time into refreshing your business covers all elements, including your client base. Don’t forget to check in with your clients this Valentine’s Day – perhaps with a social media post or a cheerful e-newsletter.


This year’s Valentine’s season is almost upon us, so whether you’re going it alone this year or celebrating with a significant other, don’t forget to show your business some attention too. If a website refresh is on the cards, we’d love to hear from you. Happy Valentine’s from the Eonic team!

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