The benefits of going digital and saving paper

As Earth Day approaches, we at Eonic have been thinking about how we can consciously continue to improve our carbon footprint. As a digital company through and through, we’re always looking for ways to be more eco-friendly through digital means. Here are some ways you might implement digital strategies to improve your business’s environmental impact.


How digital communications are saving paper

At Eonic, we’ve been working hard to use less paper in our day-to-day work. With more digital communications taking place due to remote working, this has been a catalyst for more online based outcomes – meaning less paper! These are some of the technologies that have been helping us along the way, and here’s how they might benefit your business:

  • Microsoft Teams: The ease of migrating to Office 365 has allowed our team to communicate over Microsoft Teams, utilising the notetaking features like Whiteboard that take away the need for notetaking on paper. We’d happily recommend migrating to this system for any business that wants to streamline communication, as well as use less paper.
  • DocuSign: Digital document e-signature solution DocuSign has removed the requirement to print out lengthy forms and contracts. Less paper and less purchasing of expensive ink – a win-win!
  • OneDrive: Using OneDrive has enabled our team to view and share documents digitally and collaborate with ease. A shared desktop system can really streamline how your team accesses documents, as well as taking away the need to print physical copies to keep on track.


Embracing business ethics

When running your own business, it’s important to outline your business ethics, and as we approach Earth Day on the 22 April, it might be worth re-evaluating the values you want to express. With more and more corporations becoming B Corporation Certified it’s clear that the focus should not only be on the bottom line but also increasingly on how businesses’ operations impact the world around them.


We’re proud to be celebrating this year’s Earth Day with a conscious effort to continue reducing our paper usage and sticking to our business ethics. If you’re considering paperless solutions for your business, we’d be happy to advise on digital communications and software that can help you move your business in an eco-friendly direction.

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