Amplify your charity's impact with Google Ads Grant and our expertise

Google Ads Grant Management
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Web Performance, SEO & Online Marketing

In today's digital-first world, visibility is key. As a charity or non-profit, you're doing crucial, life-changing work. But are you reaching as many people as you could be? That's where Google Ads comes into the picture and where we can help.

What are Google Ads?

Google Ads is an online advertising platform developed by Google, where advertisers pay to display brief advertisements, service offerings, product listings, and video content to web users. With Google Ads, your charity can appear on Google's search results page, YouTube, and other sites to connect with millions of potential donors, volunteers, and advocates.

The Google Ad Grants Program

Many non-profit organisations aren't aware of a significant opportunity available to them: The Google Ad Grants Program. This program offers up to $10,000 per month (or £7,900 at the time of writing) in free Google Ads to eligible non-profit organisations. This isn’t a one-off, this is every single month. That's $120,000 of advertising budget per year to help you spread your message and further your mission.

Our role in amplifying your impact

As a marketing agency with extensive experience in website design and Google Ads management, we can help you tap into this resource. We will guide you through the application process, manage your Google Ads campaigns, and ensure that we're meeting Google's performance requirements, which includes maintaining a strong conversion rate and making effective use of the advertising budget.

But we don't stop there. We believe in thinking outside the box and maximising the potential of your non-profit. To achieve this, we have a comprehensive discovery process that allows us to delve deep into understanding your organisation. We take the time to thoroughly get to know you — the charity, the brand, your values, and your goals.

We strive to comprehend what online success truly signifies for your organisation. Is it increasing donations, gaining more volunteers, driving awareness, or all of these? We believe that each charity is unique, and we tailor our strategies to your specific needs and aspirations.

By aligning our expertise with your mission and vision, we can create a digital strategy that truly resonates with your audience, driving engagement and propelling your organisation towards its goals.

Innovative ideas for revenue generation

While donations are the lifeblood of most charities, diversifying your income stream can bring sustainability and growth. We can help you explore innovative revenue generation ideas such as:

  1. Merchandise : Branded T-shirts, mugs, tote bags, and more. These items not only generate income but also help spread awareness about your cause.

  2. Greeting cards : Design and sell greeting cards related to your cause. These can be digital or physical cards, and they can be themed around holidays or general well-wishing.

  3. Virtual events : Host webinars, workshops, or virtual meetups with a small admission fee. This can help you connect with your supporters and share more about your work.

  4. Courses and e-books : If your non-profit has expertise in a particular area, consider creating online courses or e-books. This could be anything from a guide to sustainable living for an environmental charity to an e-book about self-care for a mental health organisation.

  5. Sponsorships and partnerships : Partner with local businesses for sponsored events or products. This can provide mutual benefits for your charity and the sponsoring business.

E-commerce solutions for your non-profit

We understand that to take full advantage of the Google Ads Grants Program and the revenue-generating ideas we've discussed, your non-profit needs a robust and user-friendly e-commerce platform.

We're adept at designing and implementing e-commerce solutions that are tailored to your needs. Whether it's selling merchandise, offering digital products, or taking donations, we can help create an online shopping experience that's seamless for your supporters and effective for your non-profit. This way, your organisation can focus on what it does best - making a difference - while we ensure your digital strategy aligns with your goals.

Your success is our success

Our goal is to help your charity gain enough profit to easily cover our expenses, and most importantly, help you grow. With our expertise in managing Google Ads and online sales, we're confident that we can help you reach new heights. Let us join you in making a difference in the world. Together, we can amplify your impact and create a better world for us all.

Start Your Journey Today

Non-profits must hold a valid charity status, have a functioning website with quality content, agree to Google's non-discrimination policies, not be a governmental entity or organisation, hospital, or school, and get enrolled in the Google for Nonprofits program.

Eligible non-profits can receive up to $10,000 USD of in-kind advertising from Google each month.

The grant can be used for text ads on Google search result pages. It can't be used for display ads, YouTube video ads, or ads on other websites.

Yes, Google requires that your ads maintain a 5% click-through rate (CTR) each month. If your account's CTR is under 5% for two consecutive months, your account may be temporarily deactivated.

A marketing agency can help with the application process, setting up and managing your Google Ads campaigns, ensuring that the campaigns meet Google's performance requirements, and providing innovative ideas to effectively use the advertising budget to increase awareness and raise more funds.

About the Author

Web Performance, SEO & Online Marketing

“I'm here to make you money, save you money or both.”

More about Dov
Google Ads Grant Management
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Web Performance, SEO & Online Marketing